Thursday, October 29, 2009

"20 Ways to Find, Sustain & Share Happiness..."

I want to share a post from Carol Tuttle at her blog,, that is a perfect compliment to my last two posts. Enjoy!.......

"20 Ways to Find, Sustain & Share Happiness

Happiness is a choice. The more happiness you choose, the more life presents you with experiences to feel happy about. If you are feeling blue or even downright depressed, you must make the decision to “get happy.”

The following tips can help you; however, if you are seriously depressed, get some professional help. There are many new cutting-edge energy therapies that clear away negative emotions and negative thinking.

Find a professional who is more interested in giving you tools and guidance in generating more happiness than in trying to figure out why you feel the way you do. It is not necessary to find out why we feel sad or depressed to clear these feelings.

The bottom line is, if we give a lot of attention to what we don‘t want, we create more of it........

1. Choose to be happy rather than right.

2. Repeat aloud: “It doesn‘t matter.”

3. Pay it forward. For every kind deed offered to you, do a kind deed for someone else.

4. Write thank-you notes frequently. The energy of gratitude feeds happiness.

5. Smile—even if you don‘t feel like it. You eventually will!

6. “Tap-out” your sad feelings. Using your fingertips, tap all over the top of your head while repeating: “I am free of this sadness. I am now feeling happy.” Tapping on the nerve endings on the top of your head will start to lift this heavy, sad energy.

7. When you think a complimentary thought about someone—tell them.

8. Refrain from making judgments—think something positive instead.

9. Whistle.

10. Skip around your house.

11. Turn on your favorite upbeat song and sing along.

12. Ask your angels to flow to you the energy of happiness.

13. Patch your right eye if you are thinking negative thoughts. When you put an eye patch on your right eye, you quiet the left brain and its negative chatter.

14. Hug someone—tightly.

15. Ask your children to tuck you in bed and read you a story for a change.

16. Stay in the present. Let the future be just that: the future.

17. Hold a newborn baby and welcome them into the world.

18. Give some service to someone who is more needy than you.

19. Exercise regularly.

20. Pray and meditate.

And, just because I like to give a little extra, because it makes me happy,

21. Love yourself and make the choice to “BE HAPPY.”

You are a powerful magnet either attracting to you what you don‘t want or what you do want!...."

Thank you Carol for getting right to the point as you do so beautifully!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Depression...there is hope

Depression is one of those issues that almost seems epidemic. So many seem to be struggling with this. I know from personal experience how life can be such a struggle when you are having this experience. But, I also know, by that same token, that there is hope.

The reasons that one may not only feel depressed, but quite literal BE depressed, are as varied as are the individuals that experience depression. But, regardless, depression is far more than just feeling down. Study after to study has been conducted to help us understand & treat depression. We know that for each person, it is a literal physiological experience, effecting our body chemistry, just as much as it effects us psychologically.

So, what do we do? What do we have available to us?

All the years of research have revealed studies that there is much that we can do. Research & hands on experience has show how changing diet, social ties & interaction, possibly medication & other more holistic or natural resources can profoundly benefit lives.

As I am not a physician nor a licensed psychologist, I always recommend that you consult with a competent care provider if you are experiencing depression. As I am an individual who has struggled with depression, I know from my own personal experience that there is far more resources available to you than you may realize! Just one that has blessed my life & countless others, is Energy Healing or Energy Work.

Issue that we sometimes struggle with have roots that are becoming increasing more accessible. Issue that you may have no idea are alive & resonating within your body.

Isn't that great news though, that we can get to the core of things & take care of them once & for all & not have to keep trying to medicating them away. Now, I am not saying that medication does not have it's place. I know very well it does. My personal experience has shown however, that the more you can take care of what is really going on, the more the "symptoms" or "stuff" we struggle or suffer with quite literally take care of itself.

With the reach & application of Energy Work, Energy Work Practitioners are able to recognize & clear up even generational issues that one may be carrying around contributing, sometimes quite heavily, to their depression or other struggles. Generation issues can also be understood by describing them as cellular memories. It is programing in your DNA that gets passed on to you just as your eye color, hair texture & other attributes do.

What this means in Energy Work terms, is that you literally carry around with you the vibrations in your body that your ancestor did that they suffered with. Whatever the emotion, the trauma or other energetic residue that is affecting you, resulting in suffering & struggle, & in this case, depression, was the same stuff your ancestor did ump-teen years ago!

Again, the great thing is, whether it is generational residue hanging out, false beliefs being carried around or some other energetic vibration bogging you down, IT CAN BE CLEARED UP.
Working with clients in a one on one consultation, an experienced Energy Work practitioner can quickly & effectively get to the heart of an issue & assist you in doing so.

Now, I feel very strongly that every individual has the ability to receive direct inspiration for their own situation, meaning that every person has the ability to know what is right for them. If you are being led & guided to Energy Work, there is a reason for it. Please follow that inner guidance you are given.

Very often with depression, one may not even want to seek help. But, at one point, they know they need it. They begin to open to & acknowledge that something needs to be done. They get "sick & tired" of being "sick & tired". Something within them knows there is better. Someone or something comes across their path that shed just enough light that they can see, if only in blurred vision, that there is better way to live. There is hope.

I encourage you, or if someone you know is struggling with depression, to look into this information or share this information. It just may be exactly what you or they are meant to hear.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We do get to choose!

I have been thinking about this alot lately. But more, I've been living it!

What I am talking about here is the choice to choose joy.

It is obvious that we have plenty of opportunities in this life to choose fear, to choose despair, to choose etc. etc. etc. But the funny thing is, most of the time we don't realize we are choosing it! It just seems to be what is "happening" to us, right?

Well, although there is much that seems to "happen" in life & many have very legitimate reasons to fear, or feel despair or worry, consider that in the moment of these experience, you have the opportunity to choose hope, to be willing to experience the joy available to you, even though whatever is going in your life.

The thing I have experienced so vividly that last several months of my life, is that even in the midst of everything seeming so dark or confusing, there is ALWAYS the same abundant source of light available!!! Maybe even more so! And when I acknowledge this, bit by bit, it begins to grow within my life & I experience it more & more! Funny how it all works huh!

Whatever your current challenges may be, there is also, in this very moment, the opportunity & the "seeds" available to experience joy, to experience peace. Regardless of "what is", be open to remembering, to feeling, to seeing the gifts of joy. The more you do, the more you'll experience & the more you are giving life to it.

Just remember this one thing....keep moving forward. And more, please remember that not a single being is meant to live this life alone. Reach out to those around you. Talk with someone. Give a hug. You just may be answering another's prayer to!!!