Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Energy Profiling & Parenting

I absolutely LOVE this video (below)! I relate so directly with this moms experience. I have the gift of dominant Type 2 movement & my 4 year old little boy has the awesome gift of a dominant Type 3 movement. (I even have a husband with a gift of a dominant Type 3 movement to!) I've written other posts about some of my experiences with my son. I have 5 other children, but seem to have experienced the most struggle with him. Even having the resource of Energy Work to beautifully support me, I am understanding SO much more thanks to Energy Profiling! I am actually developing a very healthy & even fun relationship with him now that I know what I know.

For me, parenting him has been a challenge. The answer for me has come through, 1) knowing, embracing & living my own truth, 2) knowing, embracing & even celebrating his truth, & 3) asking for & following the inner guidance & inspiration I am given. Which just happens to be EXACTLY what Carol Tuttle shares with this mom who wrote to her in the video clip below!

As parents, we have the inherit gift available to us for direct inspiration & support for these sacred steward ships we are given with these precious children. Pray for it. Ask for. Be open to receiving it & follow what guidance you are given.

Now, affirming & living my own truth is something I get to do everyday. Just like you. And to do so, naturally supporting & developing a healthier relationship with my child is a gift that is beyond words! I cherish that fact that I am literally helping him living his truth as I live mine. Talk about a Win-Win!!!

I also celebrate the gift I have been given to see him in the light of truth. To literally experience what a Gift he is! I'm not talking about "mere" positive thinking here. I am talking about feeling his amazing presence & the joy I experience as I acknowledge this! Now, as long as I don't judge it or use unsupportive perspectives - even in the moment of a temper tantrum- we both are supported & his natural fiery expression returns to a place of balance. I love the guidance Carol gave here. Take a look for yourself.

P.S. Before you watch this, please remember this applies to ANY & ALL parent/child relationships. Regardless of what energetic movement relationship dynamic you have. Be you, follow your inner guidance, "behold you little one", honor them & watch the seemingly "magic" unfold!

Dressing You Truth live online in 6 days!

I am so excited for all of you out there! I had my own Dressing Your Truth experience over a year ago & LOVE putting on my body clothing & jewelry that beautifully express who I am! The movement of these tangible items I put on my body are in perfect harmony with my innate movement. This feels SO great & is so honoring to who & what I am.

Whole being & whole life health, wellness & well being benefits are being experienced as a natural result. What a fun & simple way to nurture, & even naturally improve, your who being, your relationships, finances etc. When you are living in harmony with the truth of who you are, effortlessly radiating & reflecting this, expressing it further & even much more clearly with the clothing, jewelry, hair & make-up you choose to put on your body, your life can naturally be in more harmony & balance in every aspect. The beauty that is unfolding in lives is something every women, - every human being - deserves to experience for themselves!

You will have the opportunity to do so for yourself in just 6 days from the comfort of your own home. This course will be yours forever. You can go back & review it at anytime. Click here to look into this now. Enjoy!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Gift of Men & their sacred roles as Fathers

I wrote a few post back about what Gifts we as women truly are. It is such a beautiful thing that we as women are coming to know, to understand & live this truth more fully each day.

All women, even if they do not have any of their own children, are mothers. Its the very essence of how we are made & who we are. I love to see mothers, in any sense of the word, coming to know & celebrate their unique mothering style & movement. This truly is a beautiful thing!

Equal to this, is the Gift of men & their sacred roles as fathers. Again, just as women, men discovering & embracing their truth, including this sacred role they hold- regardless of if they have children of their own or not- is so vital to the health, wellness & well being, not only of themselves, but of those around them as well.

Study after study have been completed & documented about the importance & vital need of fathers. (Please keep in mind, that I am referring to the traditional role of the father in the home,AND also EVERY man that realizes & lives his truth & the indescribable gift he offers by his very presence, whether having children or not.) We see over & over the condition of individuals, marriages & families when a man has forgotten or does not know, nor honor who & what he is.

By that same token however, we are also seeing & experiencing what beauty unfolds in the lives of children, marriages, whole families, places of work, communities, etc., when these men learn, acknowledge & embrace their own truth. And in that, it naturally occurs that they also do so for their wives, mothers, children, etc. Its just the beautiful & natural way it works.

So how do you support the men in your life to do so? By seeing your truth & this truth of who & what they are. By creating opportunities for them to shine, you holding this truth, this vision of their truth, even if they cannot see it at the moment.

Miracles happen when one simply opens the space for, acknowledges & "holds" another in the light of truth. And the beautiful thing is, the more that you acknowledge & support another in their truth, you are naturally supported in your own. So enjoy this Gift....the Gift of you, of your spouse & the beauty that you literally create together, just by being you - learning, living & embracing the truth of who & what you each are.

Here is an inspiring & heart touching story of a man taking his sacred roles to heart.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Engage in Your Own Inner Wisdom

“Once you engage your own inner wisdom, you can change or improve your habits of thought, your emotions, and your behaviors…and create a more positive and joyful life experience right away,” Dr. Northrup says. “This process, when engaged in regularly, heals both your present and your future. It also enables you to live a life full of joy, meaning, and purpose—right here, right now.”

  • What would your life be like if you learned how to respect your body as though it were a precious creation—as valuable as a beloved friend?
  • What if you no longer lived in fear of germs or cancer?
  • What would happen if you truly trusted your body’s messages?

"...ponder these questions......lasting health, wholeness, pleasure, and joy are only possible when we discover and practice behaviors associated with these same qualities.....the time to listen to your body’s wisdom is now!"

What a joy & honor to teach & share with you the life enhancing science of your own being & the simple & innate process, the innate "art" of "Dancing to the Music". Simply & naturally acknowledging & engaging in your own inner wisdom & natural movement.

Enjoy the health, wellness, well being & all the other beautiful fruits that naturally unfold as you discover, experiencing & living more fully each day, the Gift you truly are!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Gift of Women

This meant as no slight to the wonderful Gift that men are. I just feel that each & every woman & girl hold such profound gifts by the truth, the very reality, of who & what they are. The suffering & struggle that so many have experienced is in large part due to the fact that we as women have not been living our truth as freely & fully as we can. But we are given so much beautiful support & all the is necessary for us to start doing so NOW.

The world is so blessed by every single soul & women offer special gifts that this world, & all those in it, need. As individuals & as a whole, we are all benefited through just one woman at a time learning, living & loving more fully the beautiful Gift that she already is.

So how can we support ourselves, our daughters & all women- ALL people for that matter, in learning, living & loving their own truth? President Gordon B. Hinckley says it so beautifully in this quote referring to women, but this applies to every soul:

"The women in our lives are creatures endowed with particular qualities, divine qualities, which cause them to reach out in kindness and with love to those about them. We can encourage that outreach if we will give them opportunity to give expression to the talents and impulses that lie within them. In our old age my beloved companion said to me quietly one evening, “You have always given me wings to fly, and I have loved you for it.”

Simply & yet beautifully put.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Get an education..what a great way to create!

Its a pretty well know fact that what you feed you give life to. So why not feed what you want to create, by gaining an education. If your mind is going to think about something, give it something to think about that supports & edifies you & others. What a great way to use your innate & natural gifts of creation.

Gain an education & understanding about your own magnificent being. Learn what gifts your children & spouse truly hold. Learn "what is right" about you & others.

Maybe even learn about the ocean & the wildlife there, about the wild flowers in your back yard, or maybe learn about how a vehicle works if that speaks to you. Learn about the great beauty & amazing gifts that truly are already within & all around you. In doing so, you are literally giving life to what is wanted, by your simple consciousness & acknowledgement, by experiencing for yourself that it already is.

You'll look around one day & realize that you effortless created something really beautiful, just by your being aware & conscious of truth, of the beauty that already exists. The end result or creation turns out to be just really "yummy icing" on an already very fulfilling "cake".
I think this is what is meant by "joy in journey". What a gift this truly is.