Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Part 3- Tell the truth, the whole truth!

What a great motto to live by. The only thing is, are we really telling the whole truth?

So much of time, we, human beings in general, have been so caught up on the "what's wrong" with my life, with me, or even the "what's wrong with this world." Yes, the truth about this is that experiences of these do exists for us here in this perfectly created experience of contrast. How else would we be able to know & have a choice? It just is.

But the whole truth here, is that there is more. Are we telling, are we acknowledging & owning the truth about this? Truly the whole truth of our experience?

The whole truth of my experience with the loss of my baby, has been shown me all along the way. I truly have been "learning as I go". Just as we all get to & are beautifully created & provided to do.

Yes, I experienced a very painful loss. Yes, I do not have my baby to hold. But the whole truth of this experience is, that I have been given a most precious gift! The Gift that this small & precious life brought into mine, will forever bless me & my family as a whole. I made a choice at the very beginning to not waste the gift given me in & of this precious life. I was going to live the gifts I was being given here as fully as I could. And my choice has been honored & beautifully supported!

From the very beginning, the love & support on both sides of the veil, have been so clearly & beautifully given to me & my whole family. And more than once, out ward, very tangible, miracles have been given. These, blessing all involved, not just me. What beautiful touches, even out right embraces, of grace.

This has been such a beautiful experience for me to learn how to live more fully. And that is not just in experiencing & feeling full out the pain as we pass through it. Although that is part of it. It has also been shown to me very clearly in my experience, that this also means to progress, to naturally move forward & into living a life of joy! To live the whole gift of our experiences on this earth.

Regardless of the "why's" that we could go into, we have limited ourselves in having joy. THAT is obvious. (If we need to acknowledge anymore truth on any of this, we will be guided & provided to do just that.) But, by the same token, we are given this awareness & the ability to allow much, MUCH more joy into our lives. We are being given to use, to live, the gifts that we already have before us, to create something beautiful. Our own life of joy & in that, a legacy of joy. What a beautiful gift to take with you & leave behind!

It is time to move beyond suffering & struggle & into living more fully our truth & the truth of the Gift that is this life. To living a life of joy. When I went for a walk that one day, when I wondered if I was ever going to be okay, I felt it very clearly given to me, that I needed to choose to be okay. Yes, I needed to continue to feel, but it was given me to make the choice if I was going to be okay. There was tremendous power in this.

And something else was given me at that moment. There was this impression that I also needed to choose to live a life of joy when that time would come.

We are given this choice to choose to live a life of joy, to thrive. Not just to be okay, to just survive. We are given to progress, to live the full gift & purpose of our experience here.

The other day, as I stood in my kitchen cooking dinner for my family, I finally made that choice.
I stopped what I was doing & I acknowledged out loud , from the depth of my being, to my Heavenly Father & to myself, that I choose to live fully. I choose to live a life of joy. As I did, I felt the reality, even the power of this choice, run from my head to my toes. We really do get to make this choice don't we?.

I know, from my own experience, that as we do so, we will be honored & beautifully supported in this! This is what the Heavens want for us & this is what we are perfectly created to do. This has been so beautifully shown to me over & over again. Now, I get to live it! What a most precious gift! Thank you!

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