Thursday, June 25, 2009

"I like reactions!" My Type 3 son

I had a great experience yesterday with my awesome & very dynamic 4 year old son. He has the amazing gift of having a dominant Type 3 (Hydrogen/fire) movement, with a secondary Type 1 (Nitrogen/air) movement. Everything this child does is BIG! And alot of the time in his expression, he can be spontaneous. Needless to say, for me, in my nature, sometimes I get a bit overwhelmed.

He had been in the house most of the day & it was showing! I told him he needed to go outside & run around, but before he did, he came up to me, leaned in by my face & made a loud silly sound & laughed. I of course took care of this before I guided him out the door, but in my feeling a bit overwhelmed, I made a comment along the lines of, "If you keep this up hun, your going to get a big reaction out of me."

He looked at me with a cute grin & said, "I like reactions!" I told him I knew he did. Then he was out the door & onto his next adventure.

I told my husband, who just so happens to have the same dominant Type 3 & secondary Type 1 organization, when he came home from work that night. We both so laughed about this! This "little" guy knows who he is & is not afraid to let the world know!

That really is a great thing. I just get to be in harmony with it! And of course guide, support & provide him opportunities to help him cultivate & use his gifts & express his energy in ways that are supportive & constructive in his life & in the lives of others.

I have been given really great insight into this. Just as EVERY parent can.

I am just so grateful that I am not having to be in this parenting thing alone. WAY more than once, I have looked up & asked, "What can I do here to help this situation & to support him?!"

And ya know what, I am always given exactly what I need to do. I am finding, that alot of the time, the most powerful thing I can do, is to simply stand in my own truth & then to not react to the situation. To not react to him as if he were the situation. But simply recognize this is his natural reaction to his experience.

As I see him in the truth of who he is & the truth of the experience he is having & reflect this back to him, he naturally comes into more balance in his energies & there expression.

One example, was even today when he got all fired up over something his older brother did. And he let him know VERY CLEARLY that he did not like it! The only thing is, he was getting ready to physically hurt his brother, so I walked over to him, physical touched his arm & looked him in the eye & said, "We can see that you are really upset. We got it. That was not okay for your brother to do that."

When I did this, when his truth in this experience was acknowledged, you could just see the intensity of his emotion & wanting to physically react, come back into a place of natural balance for him. It was pretty amazing! Great learning experience for me in how to support him!!!

What is Body Profiling?

Energy Profiling is a system & frame work for understanding more fully are innate human nature. It is based in the life enhancing science of the innate chemistry, the fundamental elemental organization, that makes up every thing in nature; including our physical bodies.

The movement, or energetic expression, of each element is also seen in all of nature & within our own beings. We see this innate movement expressed in our facial & other bodily features, in our body language & the way we move through life, in the way we behave, in the way we feel, think & even speak! It is also seen in personality, although this can be adapted throughout our lives.

"Body Profiling" is simply observing the natural expressions of these elemental movements in your body & body language, to support you in coming to the recognition & acknowledgment of your own Energy Profile.

Carol Tuttle recently gave a quote about Body Profiling on her blog, that gave me added insight. Here it is:

"The Body Profiling is where God used the movement of who we are and expressed that truth in the shapes and lines of our bone structure and body and facial features. We have empirically tested this. Which means we can consistently observe the same shapes and lines in people that exhibit similar behavior and personality tendencies."

Our Heavenly Father knew exactly what would best support & provide for us to fulfill our purposes & to live our full potential here. And that obviously includes our physical bodies! They truly are most sacred gifts. For they are a physical structure to experience, to express & develop more fully that truth, that beauty, that essence of who we truly are. Wow huh?!

Type 2's & stick'in to the plan!

Here's an Energy Profiling "ah-ha" moment I had in my marriage
this last week:

So the other day, my husband & had I decided on a plan so that we each could go into town & do some very important service, without having to try and arrange a sitter so that we could go together. Which we love to do, its just that this service is so important to us, that we decided that even if it doesn't work out all the time for us to go together, we were making the decision to go anyway.

Well, I was going to get up bright & early, head into to town & spend the couple of hours that I was aware that this would take, the next morning. I planned it so that I would be getting back just in time for my husband to take our child to his cub scout activity on his way into town, to go take his turn. It was going to work out beautifully!

Well, as I pulled up to the house I was running a bit behind schedule so I honked the horn & expected to see everyone come out ready to go. NO ONE WAS READY! My husband just said to take our son myself & we'd talk about it when I got back.

So once my son got himself ready, I drove him to scouts & then myself back home, trying hard to not be so bugged about this all! I was beginning to feel really irritated towards my husband, but tired to do that self talk thing. "It really is okay. He can just go later. It really doesn't matter. It's not worth causing a rift between us." But these irritated feelings would not go away! This was feeling really important to me!

When I got out of the car, I told myself I was not going to act irritated with him. "I love him & I'm not going to make this a bigger deal than it is." But it sure felt like a big deal. Even though I knew it really wasn't, logically. The funny thing is, I had this very quiet impression, that it wasn't about him. But he was my focus. After all, he didn't stick to the plan!

And that's when I got my "Ah Ha!".

I became conscious of the fact that I was bothered because I put my energy into creating a detailed plan, it was going to work out perfectly, I was doing my part, but then it got completely thrown off course! It did not continue to flow like it was & I had to shift gears & go along another course. And this really bothered me!

At that moment, in acknowledging this, I literal felt my emotion begin to naturally return to a place of balance. I realized that I was not upset at him. He had no idea how much detailed planning I put into this. Nor how much this mattered to me. Because I didn't tell him. And I didn't even realize how much it mattered to me!

I acknowledged that it did matter to me & that it was okay. It was just a natural reaction to this experience. Then, I honored my truth in this experience, by sharing with my husband how it truly was important to me. I shared with him how I planned this in detail to flow beautifully & it didn't. And that was why I was upset. I felt absolutely no resentment or blame towards him at all! It was GREAT!

He apologized to me, having no idea that this mattered. He didn't think I would care if we just changed plans. He told me his reasoning for wanting to go later in the day. He shared with me his feelings & wants in this & I totally understood. Then, we created a new plan together, that was even better than the original plan!

We ended up going into town as a family & having a really fun day together. He spent the time he wanted to in service & I took our children & did some shopping. Then we met up & had dinner together at one of our favorite restaurants. When even got to try octopus for the first time together. It was really fun!

What a gift in our marriage & to our whole family! Check this Energy Profiling out...there really is something to this knowledge about our beings. Something amazingly accurate & powerfully supportive!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Part 3- Tell the truth, the whole truth!

What a great motto to live by. The only thing is, are we really telling the whole truth?

So much of time, we, human beings in general, have been so caught up on the "what's wrong" with my life, with me, or even the "what's wrong with this world." Yes, the truth about this is that experiences of these do exists for us here in this perfectly created experience of contrast. How else would we be able to know & have a choice? It just is.

But the whole truth here, is that there is more. Are we telling, are we acknowledging & owning the truth about this? Truly the whole truth of our experience?

The whole truth of my experience with the loss of my baby, has been shown me all along the way. I truly have been "learning as I go". Just as we all get to & are beautifully created & provided to do.

Yes, I experienced a very painful loss. Yes, I do not have my baby to hold. But the whole truth of this experience is, that I have been given a most precious gift! The Gift that this small & precious life brought into mine, will forever bless me & my family as a whole. I made a choice at the very beginning to not waste the gift given me in & of this precious life. I was going to live the gifts I was being given here as fully as I could. And my choice has been honored & beautifully supported!

From the very beginning, the love & support on both sides of the veil, have been so clearly & beautifully given to me & my whole family. And more than once, out ward, very tangible, miracles have been given. These, blessing all involved, not just me. What beautiful touches, even out right embraces, of grace.

This has been such a beautiful experience for me to learn how to live more fully. And that is not just in experiencing & feeling full out the pain as we pass through it. Although that is part of it. It has also been shown to me very clearly in my experience, that this also means to progress, to naturally move forward & into living a life of joy! To live the whole gift of our experiences on this earth.

Regardless of the "why's" that we could go into, we have limited ourselves in having joy. THAT is obvious. (If we need to acknowledge anymore truth on any of this, we will be guided & provided to do just that.) But, by the same token, we are given this awareness & the ability to allow much, MUCH more joy into our lives. We are being given to use, to live, the gifts that we already have before us, to create something beautiful. Our own life of joy & in that, a legacy of joy. What a beautiful gift to take with you & leave behind!

It is time to move beyond suffering & struggle & into living more fully our truth & the truth of the Gift that is this life. To living a life of joy. When I went for a walk that one day, when I wondered if I was ever going to be okay, I felt it very clearly given to me, that I needed to choose to be okay. Yes, I needed to continue to feel, but it was given me to make the choice if I was going to be okay. There was tremendous power in this.

And something else was given me at that moment. There was this impression that I also needed to choose to live a life of joy when that time would come.

We are given this choice to choose to live a life of joy, to thrive. Not just to be okay, to just survive. We are given to progress, to live the full gift & purpose of our experience here.

The other day, as I stood in my kitchen cooking dinner for my family, I finally made that choice.
I stopped what I was doing & I acknowledged out loud , from the depth of my being, to my Heavenly Father & to myself, that I choose to live fully. I choose to live a life of joy. As I did, I felt the reality, even the power of this choice, run from my head to my toes. We really do get to make this choice don't we?.

I know, from my own experience, that as we do so, we will be honored & beautifully supported in this! This is what the Heavens want for us & this is what we are perfectly created to do. This has been so beautifully shown to me over & over again. Now, I get to live it! What a most precious gift! Thank you!

Part 2 - There is more....

Now, I have definitely felt my emotion through out this whole experience. And I have even felt a sense of acceptance at times & even a deep gratitude for the many, many beautiful Gifts given me in this experience.

But, I became aware of this kind of "nothingness" or "un-feelingness". It wasn't exactly a numbness like I had felt at times. It was just something, but nothing at the same time. I didn't know what this was telling me at the time, or at least it wasn't clear for me then. I did know that it did not feel good. I live my life by the way I feel within & this was really discomforting for me.

The other thing that was really concerning to me, was how I would get so triggered by things. I would feel such a sudden, deep & intense sense of mourning, like I had at the beginning. It almost seemed like I was regressing in my processing of this experience.

So, in following my heart, I asked my Heavenly Father what it was that I needed. And I was guided & provided with exactly what I needed next.

On June 14th, Carol Tuttle did her regular weekly call-in radio show, "Living Your Truth with Carol Tuttle". With the details being so perfectly orchestrated for me, I followed the guidance I was given & listened into this call. I came in right before Carol took a live call-in from a woman who had recently experienced the loss of two of her children & of her business.

As I sat there listening, I cried tears of acknowledgment & gratitude. I knew that this call & what Carol was saying to this woman, was also a gift for me.

When I got off this call, I let my hubby know I was going for a walk! In the stillness & quiet of the beautiful area that I live, I acknowledged to my Heavenly Father & to myself, "I'm feeling it. I am really feeling it!" I then simply asked, "What do I do now?".

I realize now, that for me, this was also acknowledgment that I was willing to move on. That I was willing to progress. It turns out, this was exactly what I needed.

After this experience, I have not had anymore of those intense emotional triggered moments. I was also given a gift, even that very night, to be conscious of the fact that I have come to the acceptance & even completion with this loss. I felt such a confirming feeling & even a peaceful strengthening within me when I acknowledged this was true. When I owned it.

Why would I have reservations on moving forward? I became aware that I was indeed holding onto the suffering of this experience. And it was getting really intense so I would listen!

Now, I've been given insight into the "why's" here. At some level, I believed I still needed to suffer! Feeling that it honors & values this life if I stay here? And if I move on, it doesn't? Like it makes the whole experience more valid if I suffer longer?

In being aware of these, I simply acknowledge that they are. I just felt the feelings there. And then, I simply told the truth about it.

Which leads me into my next blog...... Yep, there is more! Read the the 3rd & final part, (which truly is only the beginning!), "Tell the truth, the whole truth."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What a Gift you Type 1's are!

Regardless of what your current experience may be, EVERYONE can benefit from a little more Type 1 movement in their life! I have the gift of having all of my children & husband either created with a dominant Type 1 expression or it being a strong secondary for them. And although it can be a bit overwhelming for me at times, the majority of the time, we laugh. And we laugh ALOT!

What a gift to any human being! Here is just some of an article on laughter, that I love, by Carolyn Cooper, the creator of "Calyco Healing".

(This is from her newsletter for this month. You can visit her newsletter archive for the rest of this article & for more to beautifully support you!)

"We've all been there. Maybe sitting in a restaurant, an office waiting room, or shopping at the grocery store and you hear someone laughing heartily or uncontrollably giggling. It's hard to not smile and maybe even (depending on how great the laugh is) begin giggling yourself. Laughter is contagious--just hearing laughter primes your brain and readies you to smile and join in on the fun. Laughter is so good for us in so many ways.....

Increases Joy in Relationships

When we laugh with one another, a positive bond is created. This bond acts as a strong buffer against stress, disagreements, and disappointment. Shared laughter is one of the most effective tools for keeping relationships fresh and exciting. Humor is a powerful and effective way to heal resentments and hurts and it unites people during difficult times. Humor and playful communication strengthen our relationships by triggering positive feelings and fostering emotional connection. I always love to see a couple that has been together for years, and they still laugh at each other's semi-humorous comments. That speaks volumes about their relationship. Mutual laughter and play are an essential component of strong, healthy relationships. By making a conscious effort to incorporate more humor and play into your daily interactions, you can improve the quality of your love relationships-- as well as your connections with co-workers, family members, and friends.....

Benefits your Physical Health

In addition, laughter triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Did you know a good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after? Laughter also decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. It triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. Laughter protects the heart by improving the function of blood vessels and increasing blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.....


Humor helps you be more spontaneous by getting you out of your head and away from your troubles. It helps you let go of defensiveness, by helping you forget judgments, criticisms, and doubts. Laughter also helps to release unhealthy inhibitions. It brings you to a place where you can set aside your fear of holding back.

(I love this....) Laughter is a natural part of life that is innate and inborn. Infants begin smiling during the first weeks of life and laugh out loud within months of being born. Sometimes we as adults get so busy with the 'important' things on our to do list, we neglect the levity that is so much needed in our lives. So how do we add more light and laughter into our lives? Even if you did not grow up in a household where laughter was a common sound, or if you did and you've forgotten how important that is, you can learn to laugh at any stage of life.

Here are some ways to start: (Here are just a couple of what Carolyn lists....)

  • Smile. Smiling is the beginning of laughter. Like laughter, it's contagious. Pioneers in "laugh therapy" find it's possible to laugh without even experiencing a funny event. The same holds for smiling. When you look at someone or see something even mildly pleasing, practice smiling.
  • Count your blessings. Literally make a list. The simple act of considering the good things in your life will distance you from negative thoughts that are a barrier to humor and laughter. When in a state of sadness, we have further to travel to get to humor and laughter.
  • (And to the point of my post.....) Spend time with fun, playful people. These are people who laugh easily-both at themselves and at life's absurdities-and who routinely find the humor in everyday events. Their playful point of view and laughter are contagious.

Anyone can join the laughter movement........( I especially love this next quote from very true!) ....Laughter is feeling deeply which allows us to live fully.

Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert.....

Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh."

Written by Carolyn Cooper, Energy Intuitive or © Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.

What a Gift to have this movement & expression in our lives!!! Laugh with them. Celebrate & enjoy their spunk. It will do you both alot of good. Have fun!

True to my dominant Type 2 nature....

True to my Type 2 dominant nature, you'll notice that a lot of my posts are pretty long! There is a lot of detail, sharing of my heart, connection's just my nature...literally! Would you like to learn more about your innate human nature?

Check out Carol Tuttle's groundbreaking work in her new book,"It's Just My Nature!", to learn more about this. It has been such a gift to me & my family. I'll be writing a lot on this blog, about one of the biggest gifts given me in this work; how it blesses & so beautifully supports me in being a wife & a mom!

In this book, based on her work, Energy Profiling, we learn about the dominant elements that make up all tangible matter; nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen & carbon; & how these literally help create the gift of our physical bodies. You'll learn about how these elements are uniquely organized in each human being & ALL of nature.

Why does this even matter?

Well, for me, I have always wanted to know what was wrong with me! Why did I get so caught up on details? Why can't I just watch a movie & leave it at the theater? Why do I think the way I do, sometimes dwelling on things, questioning & worrying about them so much? etc. etc. etc.

It turns out....nothing is wrong with me! In fact, I'm pretty great! JUST LIKE YOU! And I actually can see it & now am experience it more fully, for myself!!! What a gift.

Every single life that is, or ever has been, on this planet offers a unique gift, a unique expression & filling a place that only they can. Even people with the same dominant Energy Type & even the whole same Energy Profile, are different & beautifully unique.

It's really a fun thing to just begin to be aware of this beauty in another. And for me, it so touches my heart. More than once I've been moved to tears as I've finally been able to see my child or another human being through these eyes. To literally just "behold" the beauty of another. Even of myself!

And we don't even have to think about it, judge it, or question it! Just take it in! That's what you do when you behold a beautiful sunset at dusk or a newly blossomed tulip or the dynamic red hills here in beautiful Southern Utah, or even the still, regal beauty of that frozen pond & newly snow covered field. You just "take it in" & appreciate, even celebrate or cherish it for what it just is! It so naturally follows to express what gratitude I feel to my Heavenly Father for this creation & the gift given, to simply behold it, to experience it.

This understanding just gives such beautiful insight into & realization of what is given us, in the Gift of who & what we & our loved ones already are!

As we have this awareness, this further understanding about the gift that truly is our physical beings, our innate human nature & how we tick, we begin to learn how to use what we have been given to bless & benefit our lives & those around us. That's what they are given to us for! Not to continue living in the "weaknesses" of these, or in other words, using what we've been given in a way that no longer supports us or others.

It is journey & a beautiful one at that! We really do learn all along the way. I would invite you to support yourself, your marriage & your family- not to mention your co-workers, neighbors, friends, or even the checker at the grocery store- by you gaining this further understanding about yourself & others. Simply a beautiful support in living more fully the Gift that you already are!

You can also learn more about the truth of your own authentic & beautifully unique innate nature, by visiting Energy Profiling online. Depending on when you are reading this, you'll also be able to experience Carol's fun & powerfully supportive Dressing Your Truth system online to. Look for more coming on this blog about my own experience with this!

Take care!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Part 1 - "I'm feel'in it!"

Part 1 - (just keep gets better, I promise!)

In life & sometimes especially in this field of Energy Work, we think that we have to "chase" away our more uncomfortable emotions. Whether by using some energy clearing tool, by positive thinking, (although both do have their place), or by distracting ourselves from feeling, with the all too familiar thinking habits we all have created - unconsciously of course. Our minds have such a wonderful ability to keep us alive. To help us survive. The only thing is, that feeling our emotions is not going to kill us! Even though it may feel like it sometimes.

The last few months, I have experienced this reality very vividly. In March, I delivered my sixth child at only 16 weeks gestation. My precious little baby had passed away in my womb, only a day or so before, according to the indications observed on ultrasound by my OB-GYN. I don't think I can put into words the depth of grief I experienced in all this. As well as what my husband & our other 5 children did as well. (Not to mention grandma's & grandpa's, aunts, uncles, friends, & even my doctor, etc. We truly are all in this life experience together!)

The loss of a child through death or by any other means, whether that child is a centimeter long or a grown adult, is one of the most painful experiences any of us can experience here. And more than once, I wanted to just make the feelings, maybe even the whole experience go away. However, I knew, as I listened to my heart (as best I could), that as much as it hurt, I needed to feel it. And feel it & I guess, feel it some more -cause I sure have! I know, with all my heart, that it is by God's grace & His love for me, that I have been able to!

The Energy Therapy tool I have been trained & certified in, Calyco Healing, helped me in regards to taking care of the energetic needs in my physical body, but I knew I got to feel this one full out! No energy therapy tool can take away your experience for you. Nor if we really understood or could see the eternal perspective, would we want to. Experience is one of the main purpose we are here! (The benefits & blessings of which turn out to be even more beautiful than we could have ever imagined by the way! This I know. I have experienced this for myself many, many times through out my own experiences in life. )

It is an interesting thing...these emotions. One minute your fine, or even feeling numb & the next, you are wondering if you'll ever be okay!

I remember one day in particular when I just had to get out of the house & walk. When I left the house, I seriously wondered if I was ever going to be okay. If these feelings would ever go away!

I walked & cried & walked & cried. And walked & cried some more. And oh how I prayed!

The several weeks after this experience were just like that for me. But progressively, it has gotten better, as I have tried to accept this experience as fully as I could & truly feeling it as fully as possible, while praying all along the way. But remember....this is processes. There is more......(Read part 2!)

***Listen to Carol Tuttle's recorded call-in radio show, "Living Your Truth", from June 14th, entitled; "What to do when you have an emotional meltdown" Click here to listen now.

Or copy & paste this link to your browser:
She takes a call from a woman who shares her own experience in loss. Carol provides some very simple & yet such powerfully helpful guidance, on living your truth, even when experiencing loss ~exactly what we are meant & perfectly created to do!!! Her guidance is so right on!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Welcome to our blog & to the educational & supportive resources here available to you. I also share here many of my own experiences, as I am learning from & supported by the understanding & insight that we are given in these resources.

As a wife, a mother to 6 children & as simply being a human being, I get to experience some of the most beautiful gifts we are given here. As an Energy Work practitioner, I have also been blessed to understand & experience more fully, what tremendously gifted & influential beings we truly are in our own lives & in the lives of others.

I have experienced the beauty of our truth in action & reality many, MANY times in my life & it NEVER ceases to touch my heart & fill me with gratitude to experience this. And I am so very grateful that we are now being given such profoundly beneficial understanding & resources to help us live it more fully than we ever have!

From the life enhancing understanding & science of Energy Profiling TM, the one on one support offered through our individual consultations, the pure & simple Energy Therapy tool, Calyco Healing, a resource utilized in our consultations to further assist you as needed, the other recommended links & blog entries, to the fun & beautifully supportive Dressing Your Truth TM system; all of the resources here simply & gracefully support you in doing so in your own life, in your own marriage, within the walls of your own home & in all the opportunities you are given.

My intent for this blog is to simply support you in living the Gifts that are already before you, including the Gift that you already are!

Enjoy the journey, as you are discovering, experiencing for yourself & living more fully each day the Gift that you & your loved ones truly are, & that this life truly is. I know I sure am!

It is such a joy to simply live - to experience, to give & to receive - as we are so beautifully & perfectly created to.

Take care & God Bless.
D.D. Black