Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Creating a Season of Wellness

I wanted to share a great post I read/listened to on Carol Tuttles blog:

It is all about creating a season of wellness, rather than the alternative!

Watch this short video from Carol Tuttle & learn how to create a Season of Wellness that can last all year long.

While you are there, read her other posts on health & wellness. Profoundly beneficial & powerfully supportive resources!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

"20 Ways to Find, Sustain & Share Happiness..."

I want to share a post from Carol Tuttle at her blog,, that is a perfect compliment to my last two posts. Enjoy!.......

"20 Ways to Find, Sustain & Share Happiness

Happiness is a choice. The more happiness you choose, the more life presents you with experiences to feel happy about. If you are feeling blue or even downright depressed, you must make the decision to “get happy.”

The following tips can help you; however, if you are seriously depressed, get some professional help. There are many new cutting-edge energy therapies that clear away negative emotions and negative thinking.

Find a professional who is more interested in giving you tools and guidance in generating more happiness than in trying to figure out why you feel the way you do. It is not necessary to find out why we feel sad or depressed to clear these feelings.

The bottom line is, if we give a lot of attention to what we don‘t want, we create more of it........

1. Choose to be happy rather than right.

2. Repeat aloud: “It doesn‘t matter.”

3. Pay it forward. For every kind deed offered to you, do a kind deed for someone else.

4. Write thank-you notes frequently. The energy of gratitude feeds happiness.

5. Smile—even if you don‘t feel like it. You eventually will!

6. “Tap-out” your sad feelings. Using your fingertips, tap all over the top of your head while repeating: “I am free of this sadness. I am now feeling happy.” Tapping on the nerve endings on the top of your head will start to lift this heavy, sad energy.

7. When you think a complimentary thought about someone—tell them.

8. Refrain from making judgments—think something positive instead.

9. Whistle.

10. Skip around your house.

11. Turn on your favorite upbeat song and sing along.

12. Ask your angels to flow to you the energy of happiness.

13. Patch your right eye if you are thinking negative thoughts. When you put an eye patch on your right eye, you quiet the left brain and its negative chatter.

14. Hug someone—tightly.

15. Ask your children to tuck you in bed and read you a story for a change.

16. Stay in the present. Let the future be just that: the future.

17. Hold a newborn baby and welcome them into the world.

18. Give some service to someone who is more needy than you.

19. Exercise regularly.

20. Pray and meditate.

And, just because I like to give a little extra, because it makes me happy,

21. Love yourself and make the choice to “BE HAPPY.”

You are a powerful magnet either attracting to you what you don‘t want or what you do want!...."

Thank you Carol for getting right to the point as you do so beautifully!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Depression...there is hope

Depression is one of those issues that almost seems epidemic. So many seem to be struggling with this. I know from personal experience how life can be such a struggle when you are having this experience. But, I also know, by that same token, that there is hope.

The reasons that one may not only feel depressed, but quite literal BE depressed, are as varied as are the individuals that experience depression. But, regardless, depression is far more than just feeling down. Study after to study has been conducted to help us understand & treat depression. We know that for each person, it is a literal physiological experience, effecting our body chemistry, just as much as it effects us psychologically.

So, what do we do? What do we have available to us?

All the years of research have revealed studies that there is much that we can do. Research & hands on experience has show how changing diet, social ties & interaction, possibly medication & other more holistic or natural resources can profoundly benefit lives.

As I am not a physician nor a licensed psychologist, I always recommend that you consult with a competent care provider if you are experiencing depression. As I am an individual who has struggled with depression, I know from my own personal experience that there is far more resources available to you than you may realize! Just one that has blessed my life & countless others, is Energy Healing or Energy Work.

Issue that we sometimes struggle with have roots that are becoming increasing more accessible. Issue that you may have no idea are alive & resonating within your body.

Isn't that great news though, that we can get to the core of things & take care of them once & for all & not have to keep trying to medicating them away. Now, I am not saying that medication does not have it's place. I know very well it does. My personal experience has shown however, that the more you can take care of what is really going on, the more the "symptoms" or "stuff" we struggle or suffer with quite literally take care of itself.

With the reach & application of Energy Work, Energy Work Practitioners are able to recognize & clear up even generational issues that one may be carrying around contributing, sometimes quite heavily, to their depression or other struggles. Generation issues can also be understood by describing them as cellular memories. It is programing in your DNA that gets passed on to you just as your eye color, hair texture & other attributes do.

What this means in Energy Work terms, is that you literally carry around with you the vibrations in your body that your ancestor did that they suffered with. Whatever the emotion, the trauma or other energetic residue that is affecting you, resulting in suffering & struggle, & in this case, depression, was the same stuff your ancestor did ump-teen years ago!

Again, the great thing is, whether it is generational residue hanging out, false beliefs being carried around or some other energetic vibration bogging you down, IT CAN BE CLEARED UP.
Working with clients in a one on one consultation, an experienced Energy Work practitioner can quickly & effectively get to the heart of an issue & assist you in doing so.

Now, I feel very strongly that every individual has the ability to receive direct inspiration for their own situation, meaning that every person has the ability to know what is right for them. If you are being led & guided to Energy Work, there is a reason for it. Please follow that inner guidance you are given.

Very often with depression, one may not even want to seek help. But, at one point, they know they need it. They begin to open to & acknowledge that something needs to be done. They get "sick & tired" of being "sick & tired". Something within them knows there is better. Someone or something comes across their path that shed just enough light that they can see, if only in blurred vision, that there is better way to live. There is hope.

I encourage you, or if someone you know is struggling with depression, to look into this information or share this information. It just may be exactly what you or they are meant to hear.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We do get to choose!

I have been thinking about this alot lately. But more, I've been living it!

What I am talking about here is the choice to choose joy.

It is obvious that we have plenty of opportunities in this life to choose fear, to choose despair, to choose etc. etc. etc. But the funny thing is, most of the time we don't realize we are choosing it! It just seems to be what is "happening" to us, right?

Well, although there is much that seems to "happen" in life & many have very legitimate reasons to fear, or feel despair or worry, consider that in the moment of these experience, you have the opportunity to choose hope, to be willing to experience the joy available to you, even though whatever is going in your life.

The thing I have experienced so vividly that last several months of my life, is that even in the midst of everything seeming so dark or confusing, there is ALWAYS the same abundant source of light available!!! Maybe even more so! And when I acknowledge this, bit by bit, it begins to grow within my life & I experience it more & more! Funny how it all works huh!

Whatever your current challenges may be, there is also, in this very moment, the opportunity & the "seeds" available to experience joy, to experience peace. Regardless of "what is", be open to remembering, to feeling, to seeing the gifts of joy. The more you do, the more you'll experience & the more you are giving life to it.

Just remember this one thing....keep moving forward. And more, please remember that not a single being is meant to live this life alone. Reach out to those around you. Talk with someone. Give a hug. You just may be answering another's prayer to!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Energy Profiling & Parenting

I absolutely LOVE this video (below)! I relate so directly with this moms experience. I have the gift of dominant Type 2 movement & my 4 year old little boy has the awesome gift of a dominant Type 3 movement. (I even have a husband with a gift of a dominant Type 3 movement to!) I've written other posts about some of my experiences with my son. I have 5 other children, but seem to have experienced the most struggle with him. Even having the resource of Energy Work to beautifully support me, I am understanding SO much more thanks to Energy Profiling! I am actually developing a very healthy & even fun relationship with him now that I know what I know.

For me, parenting him has been a challenge. The answer for me has come through, 1) knowing, embracing & living my own truth, 2) knowing, embracing & even celebrating his truth, & 3) asking for & following the inner guidance & inspiration I am given. Which just happens to be EXACTLY what Carol Tuttle shares with this mom who wrote to her in the video clip below!

As parents, we have the inherit gift available to us for direct inspiration & support for these sacred steward ships we are given with these precious children. Pray for it. Ask for. Be open to receiving it & follow what guidance you are given.

Now, affirming & living my own truth is something I get to do everyday. Just like you. And to do so, naturally supporting & developing a healthier relationship with my child is a gift that is beyond words! I cherish that fact that I am literally helping him living his truth as I live mine. Talk about a Win-Win!!!

I also celebrate the gift I have been given to see him in the light of truth. To literally experience what a Gift he is! I'm not talking about "mere" positive thinking here. I am talking about feeling his amazing presence & the joy I experience as I acknowledge this! Now, as long as I don't judge it or use unsupportive perspectives - even in the moment of a temper tantrum- we both are supported & his natural fiery expression returns to a place of balance. I love the guidance Carol gave here. Take a look for yourself.

P.S. Before you watch this, please remember this applies to ANY & ALL parent/child relationships. Regardless of what energetic movement relationship dynamic you have. Be you, follow your inner guidance, "behold you little one", honor them & watch the seemingly "magic" unfold!

Dressing You Truth live online in 6 days!

I am so excited for all of you out there! I had my own Dressing Your Truth experience over a year ago & LOVE putting on my body clothing & jewelry that beautifully express who I am! The movement of these tangible items I put on my body are in perfect harmony with my innate movement. This feels SO great & is so honoring to who & what I am.

Whole being & whole life health, wellness & well being benefits are being experienced as a natural result. What a fun & simple way to nurture, & even naturally improve, your who being, your relationships, finances etc. When you are living in harmony with the truth of who you are, effortlessly radiating & reflecting this, expressing it further & even much more clearly with the clothing, jewelry, hair & make-up you choose to put on your body, your life can naturally be in more harmony & balance in every aspect. The beauty that is unfolding in lives is something every women, - every human being - deserves to experience for themselves!

You will have the opportunity to do so for yourself in just 6 days from the comfort of your own home. This course will be yours forever. You can go back & review it at anytime. Click here to look into this now. Enjoy!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Gift of Men & their sacred roles as Fathers

I wrote a few post back about what Gifts we as women truly are. It is such a beautiful thing that we as women are coming to know, to understand & live this truth more fully each day.

All women, even if they do not have any of their own children, are mothers. Its the very essence of how we are made & who we are. I love to see mothers, in any sense of the word, coming to know & celebrate their unique mothering style & movement. This truly is a beautiful thing!

Equal to this, is the Gift of men & their sacred roles as fathers. Again, just as women, men discovering & embracing their truth, including this sacred role they hold- regardless of if they have children of their own or not- is so vital to the health, wellness & well being, not only of themselves, but of those around them as well.

Study after study have been completed & documented about the importance & vital need of fathers. (Please keep in mind, that I am referring to the traditional role of the father in the home,AND also EVERY man that realizes & lives his truth & the indescribable gift he offers by his very presence, whether having children or not.) We see over & over the condition of individuals, marriages & families when a man has forgotten or does not know, nor honor who & what he is.

By that same token however, we are also seeing & experiencing what beauty unfolds in the lives of children, marriages, whole families, places of work, communities, etc., when these men learn, acknowledge & embrace their own truth. And in that, it naturally occurs that they also do so for their wives, mothers, children, etc. Its just the beautiful & natural way it works.

So how do you support the men in your life to do so? By seeing your truth & this truth of who & what they are. By creating opportunities for them to shine, you holding this truth, this vision of their truth, even if they cannot see it at the moment.

Miracles happen when one simply opens the space for, acknowledges & "holds" another in the light of truth. And the beautiful thing is, the more that you acknowledge & support another in their truth, you are naturally supported in your own. So enjoy this Gift....the Gift of you, of your spouse & the beauty that you literally create together, just by being you - learning, living & embracing the truth of who & what you each are.

Here is an inspiring & heart touching story of a man taking his sacred roles to heart.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Engage in Your Own Inner Wisdom

“Once you engage your own inner wisdom, you can change or improve your habits of thought, your emotions, and your behaviors…and create a more positive and joyful life experience right away,” Dr. Northrup says. “This process, when engaged in regularly, heals both your present and your future. It also enables you to live a life full of joy, meaning, and purpose—right here, right now.”

  • What would your life be like if you learned how to respect your body as though it were a precious creation—as valuable as a beloved friend?
  • What if you no longer lived in fear of germs or cancer?
  • What would happen if you truly trusted your body’s messages?

"...ponder these questions......lasting health, wholeness, pleasure, and joy are only possible when we discover and practice behaviors associated with these same qualities.....the time to listen to your body’s wisdom is now!"

What a joy & honor to teach & share with you the life enhancing science of your own being & the simple & innate process, the innate "art" of "Dancing to the Music". Simply & naturally acknowledging & engaging in your own inner wisdom & natural movement.

Enjoy the health, wellness, well being & all the other beautiful fruits that naturally unfold as you discover, experiencing & living more fully each day, the Gift you truly are!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Gift of Women

This meant as no slight to the wonderful Gift that men are. I just feel that each & every woman & girl hold such profound gifts by the truth, the very reality, of who & what they are. The suffering & struggle that so many have experienced is in large part due to the fact that we as women have not been living our truth as freely & fully as we can. But we are given so much beautiful support & all the is necessary for us to start doing so NOW.

The world is so blessed by every single soul & women offer special gifts that this world, & all those in it, need. As individuals & as a whole, we are all benefited through just one woman at a time learning, living & loving more fully the beautiful Gift that she already is.

So how can we support ourselves, our daughters & all women- ALL people for that matter, in learning, living & loving their own truth? President Gordon B. Hinckley says it so beautifully in this quote referring to women, but this applies to every soul:

"The women in our lives are creatures endowed with particular qualities, divine qualities, which cause them to reach out in kindness and with love to those about them. We can encourage that outreach if we will give them opportunity to give expression to the talents and impulses that lie within them. In our old age my beloved companion said to me quietly one evening, “You have always given me wings to fly, and I have loved you for it.”

Simply & yet beautifully put.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Get an education..what a great way to create!

Its a pretty well know fact that what you feed you give life to. So why not feed what you want to create, by gaining an education. If your mind is going to think about something, give it something to think about that supports & edifies you & others. What a great way to use your innate & natural gifts of creation.

Gain an education & understanding about your own magnificent being. Learn what gifts your children & spouse truly hold. Learn "what is right" about you & others.

Maybe even learn about the ocean & the wildlife there, about the wild flowers in your back yard, or maybe learn about how a vehicle works if that speaks to you. Learn about the great beauty & amazing gifts that truly are already within & all around you. In doing so, you are literally giving life to what is wanted, by your simple consciousness & acknowledgement, by experiencing for yourself that it already is.

You'll look around one day & realize that you effortless created something really beautiful, just by your being aware & conscious of truth, of the beauty that already exists. The end result or creation turns out to be just really "yummy icing" on an already very fulfilling "cake".
I think this is what is meant by "joy in journey". What a gift this truly is.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Acknowledge the gifts before you

At the end of my last post, I wrote that creating what is wanted, begins with realizing, by acknowledging, the gifts already before you.

Lets use creating a work of art, such as a painting, for an example of this here.

You would "acknowledge" the paint, the paint brush, the canvas & whatever resources you have available to you to create this work of art. You having learned & now knowing for yourself that each is a gift, with a purpose to help you create the beautiful painting you want to create. You would then organize & use these gifts given you, to bring forward & into fruition the inspiration within you. Let me repeat that... bringing forward the inspiration within you. The beauty that already is. That you can already feel & see.

What do you want to create? Is it a book, a beautiful work of art, maybe just a really yummy, healthy & quick meal for your family?

Maybe its something "bigger". Do you want to create more financial freedom & abundance? Do you want to create a great job that allows you to use & develop your innate gifts, allowing you to make great money at something you really love?

Maybe its something even more foundational. Do you want to create a beautiful & edifying marriage that fills both you & your spouse with joy & fulfillment? Do you want to create a home for your children that edifies & honors them in the Gift that they are, to bless & benefit them now & throughout their lives?

Whatever the creation you want to create, to have a knowledge & understanding of the resources, tools & even laws that govern creation is beautifully supportive. But what actually gives life, what actually creates, is what you feel, what you see...what already exists within you. Then creation becomes an act of cultivation. Your creation is simply the joy & fruits of realized potential. Even a natural extension & beautiful expression of you.

What a beautiful level to create from. And when creating at such a high level, your creation will be also!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Create something beautiful

I wrote a post a bit ago that quoted from this same talk. I share
this here now, because what you FEEL as you watch this will
speak directly to you at a level that is beyond words.

The FEELING is where your creation is given life. You want to
create something beautiful? Something that fulfills that yearning
in your being? Then first look around you, even in the mirror & see
the beauty that already is. Feel it. Feel it full out. Wow huh?!

Recognize what "something beautiful" truly is. What it FEELS
like. Enjoy the beauty that unfolds as you create from this
feeling place of "something beautiful". Your thoughts, your
behavior, the inspiration for action that is needed & all other
necessary details will show up to support you in this, in this
choice, in this now clear feeling place of "something beautiful".

Enjoy the beautiful Gift of You as an innate creator.

*P.S. Remember....To create what is wanted, begins
with realizing, by acknowledging, the gifts that
are already before you.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Energy Profiling Course with my son

I want to share with you a great experience I just had with my 4 year old son that has a dominant Type 3 movement in his innate make-up.

He was next to me playing while I was watching one section of the online Energy Profiling course, that reads "Energies in Nature". In this section, Carol goes over these four movements or "Type's", by showing them so beautifully expressed in the nature around us. She also shows during this section, several pictures in nature of each Type with music that is perfect for each expression. (You could literally feel a Type 1 being set free just by watching this! It was so amazing to watch just pictures of nature and have it move me so much.)

Well, when it came to the Type 3 examples, he stopped what he was doing, walked right up close to the monitor & was totally enthralled! It shows the tiger, the lion & the hawk, etc. He looks at me really excited & very expressively says, "I like that!" Then he starts dancing to the music! It was so GREAT to watch this! Soon as the Type 3 depiction was over though he was swiftly out of here, of course.

This "little" guy knows who he is. It is such an awesome gift of someone with a dominant Type 3 expression to have such a certainty about themselves. It is very inspiring ...even from a 4 year old.

But it gets even better. I was reviewing this section just a second ago & my 20 month old son comes up to me wanting to be on my lap. Well, it just happened to be at the part when it showed this same slide show with music perfect for the Type being depicted. And it was his dominate Type, Type 1.

He doesn't say a whole lot of words right now, but in his very animated expression, he was pointing at the pictures & "talking" excitedly. He then started bobbing up & down on my lap & clapping his hands to the music! I, of course, celebrated right along with him!

What a great resource to even honor our children with! This was such a beautiful experience for me.

Our children will tell us who they are, if we listen. Then we get the joy & honor of reflecting this back to them, simply by beholding it ourselves & celebrating it with them!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

An added bonus!

In celebration of people learning, living & loving their truth in a big way with the 50% discount on the online Energy Profiling Course that Carol Tuttle is offering for the next 2 days, I am also offering a GREAT added bonus.

Our Consultations are regularly $125 for a 1 hour session, but for all those who complete this online Energy Profiling Course, you'll receive your Consultation for $62. That is 50% off! I am going to offer this for all Consultations scheduled between now & August 1st. Just contact us & we'll get you scheduled.

I am going until August 1st with this to give you time to complete this course. This extra support can go a long way, anytime we learn something new. Especially something as foundational as a fuller understanding of who you are!

Sometimes when we learn truth, we have a lot of "stuff" come up. You know those old patterns, beliefs & relationship dynamics that are not in harmony with truth? Why suffer & struggle with this? There is no need to!

Whether you are just having questions with all of this, or feel like you are pushing against some current, our one-on-one support Consultations blend both the healing art & life enhancing science of Energy Work to provide a comprehensive & beautifully supportive resource.

It truly is so very important to every aspect of your life to know the truth of who & what you are. Just look at the effects of believing & living something other than this.

You, your life, your relationships & what you have to offer this world are far to beautiful & of infinite value for you to suffer or struggle any longer. Your family needs you. This world needs you. You need to know you & feel what it means to be you! I don't think I can express in words how great this feels!

P.S. Remember that everyone who completes the online Energy Profiling Course will also receive a huge discount when Dressing Your Truth goes live online next month. This will be amazing.

What a timely call! Others loving your truth.

This call is SO timely. I LOVE how things work. It goes in perfect sync with my last couple of posts. I love how Carol so clearly articulates these truths. With the last caller, Carol goes into this exact same innate process I just shared with you 2 posts ago. Here you go:

As always, if you are feeling that you'd like more one-on-one support in this or are having questions that you'd like answered, please do not wait to contact us. That is what we are hear for. You, your life & your precious relationships are far to beautiful for you to not be living them as freely & fully as you can. Take care & enjoy!

Energy Profiling 50% off for the next two days

I want to share a great offer with you that is only available for the next 2 days. Thursday at midnight the sale is over though, so take advantage of this gift being offered to you now. You can purchase the online Energy Profiling course right now for 50% off! It is just over $12 AND, everyone who purchases the online Energy Profiling Course will receive an amazing discount on Dressing Your Truth when it comes online. Dressing Your Truth comes online August 18th, but the week before is going to be phenomenal opportunity for all those who purchase this online Energy Profiling Course! Take advantage of this opportunity by clicking here now. Enjoy!

A simple process

What do you do when you are in the moment, experiencing someone outside of you judging who & what you are? What do you do when you feel others validated non-truth for you?

First of all, notice it! And notice how it feels. It clearly does not feel good! If others were treating you in a way that validated & honored your truth, you'd feel completely satisfied & edified.

Second, remember that everything outside of you is only a reflection of within. That's exactly what is happening. They are simply reflecting non-truth that you believe & feel about yourself right back to you. What gifts our relationships truly are! They are simply playing a great role for you here to be conscious of what you need to, to come into more truth & live it & its beautiful gifts more fully.

When you notice this, are aware of & acknowledge this truth, be very clear on how it all feels. How does it feel to acknowledge the fact that they are actually giving you a gift? A completely different experience isn't it. Be really conscious of what you are experiencing here.

Then notice, being aware of where you are still judging your truth & your gifts. From this place, make the choice to now love it. To embrace & even celebrate your truth for what it is, a beautiful Gift to you & others.

We are at a point in our progression where we are learning & living truth more fully. We are learning to use what we've been given in a place of more understanding & consciousness. We are learning to use what we've been given, to simply be who & what we are, to bless & benefit our own lives & the lives of others. Our relationships are playing such a great role in all this.

The acceptance, validation & love for truth, your truth, that you emanate is louder than any words you could ever speak. You'll be amazed at how much you will effortless improve your relationships, how others relate to you & even the health of those around you. There is something beautiful that occurs when one person knows, lives & loves their own truth. It literally opens the door for all those around them to do the same.

Its a very simple process, but yields beautiful results. Try it & experience it for yourself. Remember that you are learning, we each are everyday. And, remember that those around you are doing the same. Enjoy this simple process of living & loving your truth more fully.

It is such a gift to be able have so much more joy in the journey, as we simply acknowledge & embrace truth.

How do I get others to love my truth?

I had a conversation yesterday with someone who is so very dear to my heart. In talking with her about some great things unfolding in each of our lives, she mentioned to me that in learning about her dominant element & movement, she is struggling with others loving & not judging it.

(I have to tell you how much I love being around this beautiful person. When she is freely feeling & loving this movement innate in her, she is SO fun! Some of the the most fun times of my life have been when I am with her. I love it!)

Anyway, the thought that immediately came to me, was she still was not loving this movement herself. She liked it & loved how it felt to live it, but obviously was still judging it.

I shared with her that every relationship that judged her in some way, was just a reflection to her of what she felt & believed within herself, about herself. Sometimes we do a really good & convincing job teaching people who we are not & teaching them that we are "less than". And I promise that what you teach someone about who you are, is exactly how they will treat you.
Just remember, that the majority of what we teach & learn is unspoken.

So how do you teach someone your truth? How to do you get others to love your truth? By you learning, living AND LOVING it yourself. People will learn. Even those closest to you.

The natural occurrence of how energy & life works, is you get back what you give out. If you are clearly loving who you are, people pick up on that. If you are sending out, "something is wrong with me" or "it's not okay to be so bubbly", people pick up on that.

In my next post, I'm going to share with you a very simple processes that you can use to live & love your own truth more fully. Enjoy the beauty & truth that is reflected back to you from others as you do so!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Learning through joy, my love story

I shared a cute story recently about my first "I love you" with my husband. He, of course, having a dominant Type 3 movement in his innate make-up took no time telling me that he loved me. I, in my dominant Type 2 movement, was still feeling the whole thing out. And although I really liked him & did not want to hurt him by not reciprocating, my "questioning" response, "Um, I think I love you to?", was not what he was expecting.

Our first "I love you" was over 12 years ago, way before Energy Profiling & all the great insight, understanding & resources we have now, but it would have been REALLY helpful! It would have been supportive to understand this then. It would have saved me alot of struggling within myself & suffering "trying to figure the whole thing out." (Key word being "trying" here.) Not to mention what my hubby felt!

We laugh about this now, having an understanding & seeing this same movement beautifully play out all the time in our marriage. We actually have alot of fun with it now!

I love to be able to see him for who he is. To look at him & really see him. Now that I have more clarity on who I am, & not so wrapped up in "what's wrong" with me & consuming so much of my energy, time & thought processes trying to get rid of it, it's amazing what I can hear & see! As I am learning more about, learning to move in much more harmony with & love my own innate "music"; I can effortlessly see, hear & feel his MUCH more clearly. So much so sometimes, it brings tears to my eyes what I behold in him.

Having directly opposite movements, we pushed alot of each other's buttons at first. We each were both still trying to know who we were as individuals, so that was a whole other dynamic in the mix. But I have to tell you, that I love, with all that I am, what we have today. I don't think I can adequately put into words what I feel for him & for the beauty that is our marriage. It is absolutely amazing what two beautiful beings can come together & naturally create.

We are still learning daily of course, but we are having MUCH more joy & alot more fun along the way. I absolutely LOVE that we get to learn now, not so much by suffering & struggle, but by simply learning about what beautiful beings we truly are. By enriching our understanding of ourselves & of each other, by acknowledging this & simply honoring, even celebrating it! It truly gives meaning to "learning through joy".

The other great thing about this, is we are simultaneously "teaching through joy". It fills my heart with so much joy, to know that my husband & I are teaching our children what it looks like & more, what it FEELS like, to have a healthy & beautiful marriage. We are also helping teach them, the Gift that they individually are, because we can now see it to! What a gift. What an eternal gift & legacy we get to give & leave to our children. As we simply learn, live & love our own truth & each others.

It begins with you

As an Energy Work Practitioner, I see over & over the effects that the home has on the individual. I have also seen very clearly & have come to understand more fully, how directly influential the individual is on the home as well. The two go hand in hand. Healthy & happy homes create & support healthy & happy individuals, & healthy & happy individuals create & support healthy & happy homes. You support one, you support the other.

This is the grass roots of individual lives & of future marriages, families & whole communities. Its a pretty humbling realization to see what a beautiful influence we truly do have, beginning with ourselves & our own homes.

In my last blog, I wrote about "singing the song" to your children. But, what if you have learned a false version of "the song", this truth, of who & what you are? What if you never had your song sung back to you? What if you did not have a parent who knew their own "song", let alone be able to "hear & sing" you yours?

Are you continuing this pattern & pathway? Are you suffering & struggling with a false sense of self? If your life is so filled with trying to overcome & correct non-truths & their effects within your being & life experiences, how can you possibly see the truth or "sing the song" to another? How can you even hear the music?

Consider that what you are experiencing, is simply a gift to help you learn, know & live a better way. Every parent does the best with what they have. But thank goodness we keep learning!

Regardless of what your circumstances may have been & regardless of what you have learned, & maybe even have taught up to this point, you get to begin today to be your own healthy parent & a healthy parent to your children. It begins with you first making this choice to do so. All that is necessary will show up & honor you in this beautiful choice. It's just the way it works. And I am so very thankful!

Singing the song

I read a quote yesterday that so beautifully articulated a gift that we have in our relationships.

"A sibling is someone who knows the song in your heart & can sing the words to you when you've forgotten."

How do we teach our children this? How do we teach them to listen to the "song" of their sibling, or any other human being, & reflect this back to them?

By you doing so first. By you simply hearing & singing back to your child their own beautifully unique song. As a parent, this is an innate ability. As a human being in general, we all have this ability. Sometimes we do need to "learn" this though. The majority of what we teach & learn, is unspoken.

With my first child, I was given a poem called, "How do I learn just who I am?" by Ruth Reardon:

"I learn from you who I am. Within your eyes I see reflected back to me. With your voice I hear how you see me. You are the mirror that I look into, & mold the image of myself. I sense the way you hold me, & from your touch, I feel my from, my shape. And if I like what I see in your eyes, your voice, your touch, my heart responds & reaches out. Then its reaching, grows & grows until I see myself as separate. Then separate self in turn-can love you back. Because you taught me who I am & I am loved."

What a beautiful & most sacred role we truly are given as parents. To help another human being know their own identity. For the truth of a child is one of the most important gifts you can help them to discover. Everything else in their lives will come from this place.

To help them build this foundation for health & joy, begins now. Regardless of what you have learned & maybe have taught up to this point, it is never to late to be the parent that you want to be. You are given the choice to begin to today to teach truth. All that is necessary will show up to support & honor you in this choice. To support you in knowing for yourself what truth is, of your child & of yourself.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Relationships are my life! Besides the fact that I am a wife, a mother to six, a daughter, a sister, a friend, etc. , I am simply a human being. And being a human being, relationships are an integral & foundational part of all of our lives. They are such a fundamental part of our existence. Relationships really are just part how we are made & how we work. This constant action, interaction & reaction of energies.

I LOVE that in this work, you will find some of the most powerful relationship support & educational resources available to you. Not to mention learning some of the most simple & practical, real-life skills to bless & benefit your relationships NOW.

It's pretty revealing about how important & universal this relationship dynamic -this constant natural action, interaction & reaction of energies- is in our lives, when you learn & come to understand that the same exact innate skills & natural ability development that apply for healthy & happy homes, are the same that apply for a healthy & happy inner home; the state of our emotional health & the health of our minds, our physical bodies & our spirits as well. Pretty beautiful how it all works!

Any & every relationship is a gift to you. Whether its with a spouse, your child or even your own body. Just remember, that your relationships are mirrors to you. But, they are also beautiful windows of opportunity as you gain this understanding & awareness.

Learn more about yourself. Get clear on who you are & what gifts you offer. That is where is starts. Then learn about who your loved ones are. You'll be so amazed at how the beauty naturally unfolds.

This quote I read yesterday is so perfect & was so timely for my writing this:

"The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows." Sydney J. Harris

Here is a GREAT relationship resources. This will benefit everyone. If you are single, there is a HUGE gift here especially for you! I can't say enough how beneficial this call is to all relationships though. Including parenting!


Friday, July 10, 2009

One simple shift

There is one simple shift that you can make right now. The resources here beautifully & very gracefully support you in this. Making this one choice will forever bless your life, in EVERY aspect. And it is something as natural as simply opening your eyes, the eyes of your heart to be exact. Sometimes we have to practice this innate ability, but its fruits are SO worth it.

Here's a quote I read in an email I received:
~ Change the way you look at the world, and the world you look at changes ~

This email newsletter was from Carolyn Cooper, the founder of Calyco Healing, entitled, "Look for the Good".

In learning about how the energy dynamic works in our beings & in our lives, it is clear what a gift "looking for the good" is to yourself & to others. But the only way to really grasp what a profound & yet grace-filled gift lies herein, is to experience it for yourself. This one simple shift from "what's wrong" with you & others, to looking for & seeing "what's right" with you & others, is one of the most simple shifts that you can make in your life & one of the most powerful. This seemingly small & simple choice to see the good, to see the truth.

Learn more about what is "right" about yourself & others. Enrich your understanding of who & what you are. Support yourself & others in truth & you'll experience a whole lot more of it! You'll be amazed at what you begin to see & experience in your life.

You'll also be amazed & even relieved to learn how so much of what you thought or believed was wrong with you, is actually a gift! And more, in this light & further understanding, these gifts that you may have learned to use in "survival" mode or been using unconsciously, just following old patterns that no longer support you or others, will naturally come into more balance in your life & bless you & others as they are so perfectly created to.

Experience this gift for yourself. The opportunities & all that is necessary for you, will show up to support & honor you in this choice.

I love this quote Carolyn gave at the end of this newsletter:

"Earth's crammed with heaven and every bush is burning but only he who sees takes off his shoes." --Elizabeth Barrett Browning

What will you see & experience today?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Daily support yourself!

I wanted to add something to my last post, but it is important enough that I chose to give it it's own post.

What I am talking about here, is the gift in daily supporting yourself. In making the choices in your everyday life that support & nurture you in living in a place of more truth.

When it comes to doing so with the resources given us in this field, it can be helpful & insightful to have an understanding of a fundamental working of Energy Therapy.

Energy Work is all about "shifts". Energy Therapy resources are utilized to take care of core issues, at a core or energetic level, that may otherwise block, inhibit or limit you, which then allows a natural "shift" within your being. This fundamental "shift", literally frees you up & supports you to more fully be, do & have as you are innately & beautifully created to.

In the recorded money clearing session that I wrote about in my last post, Carol expresses how beneficial it is to continue after we experience these beautiful shifts in our lives, by supporting ourselves daily in this.

Just one of the most simple & fun ways I have been given to consistently & gracefully support myself daily in this, is in gaining the further understanding & revealing insight about my own authentic innate nature & that of my loved ones. Energy Profiling is a natural progression in this Energy Work field. And it definitely has been in my own life.

I've written about just a few of my own experiences lately with this fuller understanding under the "June" link on my blog archive. I've written about a recent, very vivid, "ah-ha" moment with my hubby ("Type 2's & stick'in to the plan!") & some experiences I have had with my son that has the awesome gift of a dominant Type 3 & secondary Type 1 movement in his innate make up. This is a very BIG movement. And with my own innate nature, it has been a bit of a challenge for me. I don't think I can adequately put into words how much this has blessed me in my parenting him & in the dynamic of our relationship. And will yet to I am sure! I continue to learn everyday from having this further understanding & life enhancing awareness.

The beautiful thing is, this insight doesn't just stop there. Once you know your dominate energy type, the Dressing Your Truth system, (soon to be launched live on the Internet as well), takes you beyond intellectual understanding & awareness of you unique energetic organization & expression.

Dressing Your Truth further supports you on a daily basis by literally putting on your body the texture, fabrication, chroma, design lines & shapes that are in perfect harmony with your innate movement. This includes clothing, jewelry & your hair. And it is SO fun to!

I have to tell you how great it feels to put on your body clothing that is perfect harmony with who you are. It's amazing actually! When you do so, you actually feel even more clearly this innate movement of who you are & it is so edifying! In listening to that last part of that recorded money clearing session Carol is sharing with us all, we learn how powerfully supportive & even needful it is to "bring" or "connect" truth, our truth, into our physical experience. To "get it" in the body. It is literally part of how our beings learn. Dressing Your Truth naturally & gracefully supports us in this & did I mention it's really fun to!

Enjoy the gift of supporting yourself everyday in the Gift that you truly are. Feel free to leave a comment here & share with me your own experiences in this. I'd love to celebrate with you!

What is money in your life?

One of the area's we have seemed to create needless struggle in our lives, is in the area of money. It is so clear that this is NO LONGER NECESSARY. And if you choose to stay there, it'll just get more & more painful until you listen. I think we are learning what we need to here. It is time to learn & live the truth about money.

In general, we have carried around alot of false beliefs around money. We have even created money to be far more than it is or even can be. No wonder why it looks like what it does for many right now! Trying to get our attention? Definitely!

When the gifts that we are given are acknowledged & honored in the truth of what they are, a naturally occurring balance comes into play. And it feels & looks great in our lives, because it is naturally created & meant to be this way!

It is time to live truth more fully. And for many, this issue with money is just one way that they are being given an opportunity to step into this. We are also being given such immensely supportive resources to assist us in this.

Just one of these is a beneficial online recording of an Energy Therapy session Carol Tuttle did with a woman wanting & ready to move past the limitations with money in her life.

Because of the nature of Energy Therapy, even just watching this will benefit you.

Click here to watch this for yourself.

This recorded session will bring into consciousness blocks you may have. But more, it will also help you to finally clear them up. Carol uses a technique called EFT, or "Emotional Freedom Technique", as well as guided imagery. The great thing about Energy Therapy though, is that regardless of the tool you use, the core issues that are ready to be taken care of, will be.

I have chosen Calyco Healing because of how simple, pure & streamlined it is. It also allows me a beautifully & thoroughly comprehensive resource as I am working in a client-practitioner setting. I love to see the beauty this work helps free up & flow in peoples lives, no matter what technique was utilized to assist & support them in doing so.

You, your life & your relationships are far too precious & far too infinitely important for you to waste anymore time suffering or struggling with money or any other issue.

Support yourself & your family by watching this recorded session. It will bless you FAR beyond money. It's just the way it works.

Take care & enjoy these resources that are being provided to you!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Is Calyco Healing right for you?

I just listened to a great call & wanted to share it here on my blog. Carolyn Cooper, the founder of Calyco Healing, offered a call last night entitled, "Is Calyco Healing Right for You?" It was recorded so I listened to it today & I loved it. There is some really great insight in this call.

On this call, Carolyn invited four of her students that have been trained & certified in this pure & simple, yet beautifully comprehensive Energy Therapy modality, to share some of their own experiences. It was a really neat experience for me to sit here listening & hear how many of their experiences were so similar to my own when I first came into this work.

When I began to learn more about our innate energetic nature, I was so fascinated by this reality of our beings & innately knew it was something that I needed to know more about. I knew without a doubt that I was to learn & become trained & certified in this modality.

It was really an amazing experience to be sitting in a classroom learning this, & feeling, (“vaguely remembering” sounds more descriptively accurate), at the same time that I already knew it. It was just so innate to understand & work with our beings in this way!

And because I followed the very clear inspiration I was given, I, my family & others I have worked with have been SO beautifully blessed.

Just as Carolyn wrote in an article recently, "Energy Healing from a Gospel Perspective", Calyco Healing is such a gift that we are given at this time to meet us where we are at & help us move to the next level. This is a beautiful & natural part of life- progression & "line upon line". We learn as we go. And we are given what we need all along the way. That is why I see, & know for myself, that we are given this resource.

P.S. In this article she also so simply & clearly tells you what Energy Healing (a.k.a. Energy Therapy) is & why it is so beautifully blessing so many lives, with additional insight from a "Gospel Perspective".

I have always known that Calyco Healing was in perfect alignment with what I know & the way I live my life. And I think it is wonderful that she wrote this article that so beautifully articulates into words what I have known in my heart.

She also goes into a bit about something that is so beneficial in this modality, the understanding, insight & the ability to directly work with "Generational" or "Ancestral" issues. ( For more visit, on the "Energy Work FAQ's" page, under, "What is meant by "clearing generational issues"?)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Create something beautiful!

It is innate within every human being to create. And to want to create. To create something beautiful brings us joy. It is very much living an innate truth of who & what we are to do so.

I love an address given in 2008 by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, entitled, "Happiness, Your Heritage." He says about this innate desire to create:

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before....Creation brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment. We develop ourselves and others when we take unorganized matter into our hands and mold it into something of beauty...."

" what end were we created? We were created with the express purpose and potential of experiencing a fullness of joy. Our birthright—and the purpose of our great voyage on this earth—is to seek and experience eternal happiness. One of the ways we find this is by creating things."

So what does this mean in our lives, with the further understanding we are being given in this fieldof Energy Work? How can this directly apply to us in our day to day experiences?

As I have come to understand more about my innate nature & how I work, I choose to honor that innate desire to create something beautiful by choosing opportunities, projects & hobbies that support me & allow me to move in & express my innate movement.

For example, in my having a Type 2 (Oxygen/water) dominant expression in my innate make-up, I like things that involve attention to detail. I also enjoy things that allow me to share & give of my heart & to connect with others in this way. Just one of these things I have created in this, is this very blog! I get to write about the details of some of my experiences, while sharing & giving of my heart to support others in this gift of understanding & living more fully their own innate beauty. It is very fulfilling & brings me & others joy.

Another example, is gardening. I love to be out in the dirt, planting, weeding, watering & caring for the plants & trees in my yard. This is also very grounding & "connecting" for me.

I have come to learn that "creating something beautiful" is truly an act of cultivation. Simply acknowledging & embracing what we've already been given, giving what we can & doing what we've been given to do, to allow the natural potential & innate beauty of these gifts already before us, to naturally come forward & into fruition.

In this, I consider my greatest creation & the one that brings me the most joy, is the gift I have been given to be a wife & a mom. What could be more beautiful than creating a marriage, a family life & a foundation for my children that not only brings me joy, but my spouse & my children now & as they grow? Nothing can or does compare to this.

In my own home, I like to use what I have been given to create an environment of connection, comfort & peace. And with alot of the Type 1 movement in my loved ones, things can get kind of crazy around here sometimes, but we do have alot of fun! One of the biggest gifts I have been given is to understand my husband & little ones ALOT more. And in that, to honor, even celebrate their innate movements, so that I move in much more harmony with them. That way we create together an environment that supports us all.

As a parent, maybe even especially as a mom within the home, the responsibility & the beautiful influence we have to create harmony, truly is ours. In a very literal way, it begins with us. And it is just so great to have the understanding & the resources to support us in this!

Here's another quote from this address:

"If you are a mother (or father), you participate with God in His work of creation—not only by providing physical bodies for your children but also by teaching and nurturing them. If you are not a mother (or father) now, the creative talents you develop will prepare you for that day, in this life or the next.

....we all have talents and gifts, every one of us. The bounds of creativity extend far beyond the limits of a canvas or a sheet of paper and do not require a brush, a pen, or the keys of a piano. Creation means bringing into existence something that did not exist before—colorful gardens, harmonious homes, family memories, flowing laughter."

I think one of the most confirming insights I have gained from my experiences in this Energy Work field, including with Calyco Healing, Energy Profiling & Dressing Your Truth, is that we create by our very presence. To think that we have such a beautiful influence by just being who we are, is pretty revealing about our truth!

I grasped this most clearly by using music as an analogy. Music has a way of creating an environment & atmosphere. It has its own way to uplift & to energize (a Type 1 movement), to calm, to comfort & connect us to our hearts (a Type 2 movement), to motivate us to get in action & get things done (a Type 3 movement), & it also has a way to bring a still & reflective reverie into our experience (a Type 4 movement).

This is the same with our own "innate music". As we come to recognize & embrace our innate movement or "music", we learn to create something beautiful, even by just being who we are. Then the "doings" can innately follow from this inspired place of truth, offering & contributing what only we can.

Here is one last quote from this same article:

"The more you trust and rely upon the Spirit, the greater your capacity to create. That is your opportunity in this life and your destiny in the life to come. Sisters, (& Brothers) trust and rely on the Spirit. As you take the normal opportunities of your daily life and create something of beauty and helpfulness, you improve not only the world around you but also the world within you."

That really sums it up so clearly. We use what we've been given, how we are innately created & intended to, as we follow the truth given & shown to us in our hearts. Our hearts know truth. They know beauty & they guide us therein. Enjoy creating something beautiful!

Energy Work & "living our truth"

In this field of Energy Work, we are given further understanding & supportive insight for our innate skill & natural ability development. And in this, we are being beautifully supported to simply & naturally live more fully the truth of who & what we are.

Far beyond any remedial or "fix it" purposes, we are simply learning to use more productively what we've been given, & have available to us, in our own everyday lives. It is a such a gift to be experiencing this in my own life!

I'm not talking about anything that has to do with using the Law of Attraction, as in how to attract a bigger house or fancier car. Not that you can't have those things. But what I am talking about are the things that really matter. You know, those "small & simple" things that truly do matter most & are foundational to every thing else.

Like learning about the innate nature & natural workings of your being to support you in knowing how to experience & live with more peace & stability in your emotions. We learn how to gracefully create new & more supportive thinking habits & thought processes. We learn to take in life, experience it & processes it more fully as we go along. We learn to express & give of ourselves more freely. We learn to really see & experience for ourselves the gift of our spouse, our children or other family members & truly honor that! We learn to move through our life in a manner that supports & blesses ourselves & those around us.

What I am talking about here, has to do with you realizing & living the gifts that are already before you. Any results or "natural fruits" truly are just icing on the cake. "Joy in the journey" is actually a real thing. And we are being given such beautifully supportive further understanding, awareness & resources to assist us in this.

There is a beautiful gift received in our lives, when we come to the point, that we realize, regardless of anything else, regardless of what we are experiencing or think we need to get rid of, that we need to & that we get to, just live our truth.

I am coming to learn that alot of the things that we think are "wrong" with us, are actually gifts. And once this is understood & seen in this light, they truly have a way of balancing themselves out. Not to say we don't sometimes need to learn better ways of using what we've been given or need assistance sometimes to help us come to this place. Because we all have & may yet beautifully benefit from this, at certain times in our lives. I am so grateful that we do have such beneficial Energy Therapy tools, like the pure & simple Calyco Healing, to not only provide us with understanding & insight, but hands-on resources to directly assist & even "boost" us along the way.

As we are willing to learn, to know & to live our truth, we will come to know & experience for ourselves what this means. We truly are guided & given all that we need to honor us & support us in this choice. Truth has a way of making itself known & giving its own gifts as we simply allow it. As we come to recognize what truth is, acknowledge it, embrace it & then honor it, by the choices we make through out our lives - one seemingly "small & simple" choice at a time.