Friday, July 31, 2009

Acknowledge the gifts before you

At the end of my last post, I wrote that creating what is wanted, begins with realizing, by acknowledging, the gifts already before you.

Lets use creating a work of art, such as a painting, for an example of this here.

You would "acknowledge" the paint, the paint brush, the canvas & whatever resources you have available to you to create this work of art. You having learned & now knowing for yourself that each is a gift, with a purpose to help you create the beautiful painting you want to create. You would then organize & use these gifts given you, to bring forward & into fruition the inspiration within you. Let me repeat that... bringing forward the inspiration within you. The beauty that already is. That you can already feel & see.

What do you want to create? Is it a book, a beautiful work of art, maybe just a really yummy, healthy & quick meal for your family?

Maybe its something "bigger". Do you want to create more financial freedom & abundance? Do you want to create a great job that allows you to use & develop your innate gifts, allowing you to make great money at something you really love?

Maybe its something even more foundational. Do you want to create a beautiful & edifying marriage that fills both you & your spouse with joy & fulfillment? Do you want to create a home for your children that edifies & honors them in the Gift that they are, to bless & benefit them now & throughout their lives?

Whatever the creation you want to create, to have a knowledge & understanding of the resources, tools & even laws that govern creation is beautifully supportive. But what actually gives life, what actually creates, is what you feel, what you see...what already exists within you. Then creation becomes an act of cultivation. Your creation is simply the joy & fruits of realized potential. Even a natural extension & beautiful expression of you.

What a beautiful level to create from. And when creating at such a high level, your creation will be also!

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