Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What is money in your life?

One of the area's we have seemed to create needless struggle in our lives, is in the area of money. It is so clear that this is NO LONGER NECESSARY. And if you choose to stay there, it'll just get more & more painful until you listen. I think we are learning what we need to here. It is time to learn & live the truth about money.

In general, we have carried around alot of false beliefs around money. We have even created money to be far more than it is or even can be. No wonder why it looks like what it does for many right now! Trying to get our attention? Definitely!

When the gifts that we are given are acknowledged & honored in the truth of what they are, a naturally occurring balance comes into play. And it feels & looks great in our lives, because it is naturally created & meant to be this way!

It is time to live truth more fully. And for many, this issue with money is just one way that they are being given an opportunity to step into this. We are also being given such immensely supportive resources to assist us in this.

Just one of these is a beneficial online recording of an Energy Therapy session Carol Tuttle did with a woman wanting & ready to move past the limitations with money in her life.

Because of the nature of Energy Therapy, even just watching this will benefit you.

Click here to watch this for yourself.

This recorded session will bring into consciousness blocks you may have. But more, it will also help you to finally clear them up. Carol uses a technique called EFT, or "Emotional Freedom Technique", as well as guided imagery. The great thing about Energy Therapy though, is that regardless of the tool you use, the core issues that are ready to be taken care of, will be.

I have chosen Calyco Healing because of how simple, pure & streamlined it is. It also allows me a beautifully & thoroughly comprehensive resource as I am working in a client-practitioner setting. I love to see the beauty this work helps free up & flow in peoples lives, no matter what technique was utilized to assist & support them in doing so.

You, your life & your relationships are far too precious & far too infinitely important for you to waste anymore time suffering or struggling with money or any other issue.

Support yourself & your family by watching this recorded session. It will bless you FAR beyond money. It's just the way it works.

Take care & enjoy these resources that are being provided to you!

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